When is the registration deadline?

The registration deadline for all our classes is 31 August.
To register, simply sign-up for a free trial by clicking into the subject you are interested in the 'our classes' section. 

What if I wish to leave before the year is over?

There is no contract and no lesson fee.  Therefore you are free to leave at any point.  However, we would encourage you to have something lined up as an alternative as we cannot accept you back once you have left, until at least the following year. 

What happens after I apply?

You will be sent a link for the lesson and a self-assessment form.
If you are happy that you know all the topics on the form you do not need to do anything - you may simply join the class. 
After one month we will contact you to see if you wish to carry on, providing the teacher is happy with your progress in the first month. 

Where do I sit my exams?

You must arrange for the exams yourself.  The best way to do this is to find which exam centres are in your local area that accept private candidates, and then book a space with them. You can get a list of exam centres from the exam board website, eg. Edexcel or AQA. Try googling 'private candidate exam centres list Edexcel'. 

I already go to a school/college. Can I still join?

Yes.  Our classes are an excellent way to reinforce your learning.  However, please note our normal conditions that apply to other students would still apply to you: you must attend every lesson and you must attempt every homework question. 

Can I join part-way through the year?

For certain subjects you can join from the 2nd half of the year (January) as well as at the start (September).  GCSE Maths is one example of these subjects.  However, you will have to prove that you have covered the previous material to a good standard (eg. mock exam result should be B or higher). 

I am doing a different exam board. Can I still join?

Yes.  There is a big overlap between exam boards.  Most of the learning material is the same.  However, it will be your responsibility to identify any topics that are not relevant to your exam board.  This is easily done using the course textbook that you are using for your particular exam board. 

Is Lady Khadijah (ra) Online College open to both males and females?

No, Lady Khadijah (ra) Online College is exclusively for females.  Please look out for our sister organisation, Ibn Umar (ra) Online College, which is planned to start soon inshalah and will be open to male students.